Blair, Krissa, Rita, Erin & Drew |
Imagine that
an education major from your college is considering student teaching at Chicago
Semester. Consider what you would tell that person in order to encourage
him/her to apply to Chicago Semester.
Blair Berhow-Goll, Central
College, Secondary Education
The most
enjoyable part about Chicago Semester was the kids. Honestly, I look at the
student’s I have gotten to work with, and I praise the Lord that He placed me
with them. I loved loving them. I loved teaching them. I loved joking with
them. I loved learning how to interact with students from different backgrounds
and lifestyles than my own. Teaching in small-town Midwest, simply wouldn’t
have given me the same experiences and joys.
I have
learned so much about myself while teaching here. I know I can handle
inner-city students. I know that I can teach. Walking into this experience, I
felt like a child. I remember saying, there
is absolutely no way I am ready for this, no way I know enough, no way I am
strong enough, no way I am prepared enough. Well, I was pleasantly
surprised. Nearly 4 years of a college education will prepare you for teaching.
I learned the strength and power I have inside of a classroom. I have the power
to put students at ease or to stress them out.
Chicago is
one of the most sublime experiences you will have, if you choose to teach here.
It is all that sublime implies;
beautifully inspiring. With the people, buildings, lifestyle, culture,
neighborhoods, and students I can imagine it to be very hard to be disappointed
with a decision to be here.
Rita Clousing, Calvin College, Elementary
Student teaching through the Chicago
Semester is a GREAT experience. It’s not easy, but it gives you an honest
perspective as to what it is like to teach full time in an urban setting. I
found that this semester is a great transition between college and “real life”,
which has been nice. Living in the city is so fun, as there is always so much
to do in culturally diverse settings that aren’t available elsewhere. This
semester will challenge you and push you to grow as an individual and as a
teacher. My experience in CPS left me confident of my teaching abilities, and
the kind of teacher I want to be. Come to Chicago. Experience the city, meet
some incredible children, and make some new friends. I’m so grateful for my
experience here in Chicago!
Krissa Hetletvedt, Northwestern
College, Elementary Education
What I enjoyed
most about my student teaching experience through Chicago Semester were the
kids. Kids are kids no matter where you are, but the kids at this school were
extra special to me. I loved working with these kids because they came from
backgrounds and cultures that are so different from my own. They taught me
something new everyday! What I have learned about myself for my future career
as a teacher is that I have the desire to teach kids that really need that
support, stability, and love that they might not be getting at home. I would
definitely recommend participating in the student teaching program through
Chicago Semester. I believe that I will be a better teacher because of my
teaching experience in Chicago.
Erin Schrupp, Bethel
University, Elementary Education
When coming to Chicago Semester, I was nervous about being in a
big city with a whole bunch of people I didn’t know. My family wasn’t here, I
didn’t have any friends here, and I felt I was starting my life over in a way.
But I never realized that the classroom I was placed in and the cooperating
teacher I was placed with, would become my “family”.
My classroom becoming my family has been what I have enjoyed
most about the Chicago Semester experience. Being a part of something greater
than myself has always humbled me and filled me with joy. I enjoyed traveling
on the “L” and taking the bus to my school MOST days. I enjoyed this overall
experience of really delving into the city in a new light and daring to try new
things I never would have back home. I have tried a whole bunch of different
cuisines and have seen different sights that I never would have expected to
see. I’ve been blessed with two of the greatest roommates I could have been
placed with during this time who have comforted me and have also challenged me.
I absolutely adored this whole experience and wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Student teaching in Chicago has taught me a lot about myself. I
came here and had two options: I could remain the same old Erin I was back
home, or I could be someone completely different if I really wanted to. I
decided to just be myself and see where it took me. I realize that since coming
here, I’m a lot stronger than I once was. I’m not talking physically strong
(although walking everywhere every day has increased my cardio) I’m talking
mentally and spiritually strong. When I came here, I hated being alone and I
struggled with traveling by myself everywhere or every single day. No one was
here to really hang out with me and I felt lonely a lot of times. I continued
to struggle through this with the Lord as He always proved faithful and gave me
peace. There was one day where I was over by Lake Michigan and I finally felt
content exactly where I was. I felt OK with being alone and traveling alone. It
has made me more independent and I am very thankful because of that.
In regards to my students, they have taught me more than I ever
could have taught them. They’ve taught me what it’s like to say you’re sorry
when you know you’ve wronged someone, that you should love the life you’re
living even if you’re just making a paper airplane, and that hugs really can go
a long way when someone needs one. They’ve taught me what it really means to
love without judging someone and to not be afraid of who I am because who I am
is perfect and exactly who I’m supposed to be. My students have made me a
better-rounded individual and for that I am extremely grateful. If it wasn’t
for them, my eyes wouldn’t have been opened to all the silliness and fun
opportunities I’ve had in Chicago thus far. I whole-heartedly love my students
and I honestly don’t know what I’ll do without them.
Drew LeGendre, University of
Mount Union, Middle School
Personally, I understand all of the reasons
that students choose not to student teach in Chicago. Making my decision, I was giving up spending
my senior year on campus with my friends; I was leaving an environment I was
comfortable with, and leaving a school system I was familiar with. I was going to live in a city I was
unfamiliar with, a city classified as “dangerous”, and the third biggest city
in the country.
After completing my student teaching
in Chicago, I do not regret a single thing about my decision. With Chicago
Semester, I have enjoyed most experience the transition between college and the
real world. Not only am I working a full
time job, but I am living in the real world, which is not surrounded by a
college campus or town. I have learned so
many things that will help prepare me for my future, and being on my own.
From Chicago Semester, I have learned
that I am ready for all that life past college will throw at me. I learned how to react to students directing
their anger and frustration towards me.
I learned how to write a unit lesson plan, and to teach it in a three
week period. I have learned how to take a shower, drink two cups of coffee, eat
breakfast, get dressed, and remember to bring everything for school in 45
minutes. I have learned to take my
family and friends to see the sights of Chicago, and experience all the city
has to offer. I have learned how to prepare students for exams that will
determine what high school they will attend and if they will have to stay for
summer school.
I have learned how to buy a homeless
man a dinner, and shake his hand when he is crying out of happiness. Living and teaching in Chicago has
transitioned me from being a student to being a professional, and being a
positive person, both inside and outside of the classroom. I would encourage every student to step
outside of their comfort zone, and experience living and teaching in
Chicago. Every person will learn and
gain something different, but at the end of it, you are guaranteed to come out
prepared for anything the future might throw at you.