From the Perspective of Chicago Semester Student Teachers

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Student Teaching - Week #5

by Jessica Stob Mills - Daniel Boone Elementary School

Life in the City Student Teaching

This past week was probably one of the busiest so far with student teaching. I know they are just going to get busier. It has been fun though. On Tuesday we got out for half-a-day to do a survey of the school and neighborhood, one of the seminar requirements for student teaching. Since Sam and I are teaching at the same school, Daniel Boone Elementary in West Rogers Park, we got to go out and survey the neighborhood together.

We traveled around the perimeters of the schools district to see the diversity of the neighborhood, which is actually one of the most diverse neighborhoods in the nation. We saw a beautiful community park and community house, and so many different types of houses and stores. We talked to a stranger on the street walking his dog and we interviewed two different community organizers and an administrator. They all had enlightening things to say about the neighborhood where we are teaching.

I feel so enlightened after learning more about the richness of the neighborhood I am in 5 days out of 7 in the week. I cannot believe that in our school there are nearly 40 different languages spoken and the staff is very diverse as well, mirroring the community around the school.

Life in the City Outside of Student Teaching

Unfortunately, I was sick this week with the stomach flu on Thursday. I think I might have gotten it from one of my students. That’s one of the not so pretty parts of Student Teaching. Also, because of being sick on Thursday, I had to miss a fine arts event at the Steppenwolf Theater… so sad.

Over the weekend I was feeling well enough to go attend Germany’s Best and Oktoberfest at Navy Pier with my friend and her German husband. This is the first year that the German American Services Inc. has put on this celebration and it is supposed to be very similar to the types of fests you would see in Germany. It was fun being able to eat authentic imported German food underneath big tents, while listening to some German music being played, with my friends.  

What I am looking forward to…

I am looking forward to teaching the next math unit. We are going to make turtles that have to do with magic squares, something we are learning with addition in our unit. I am also looking forward to seeing the beautiful colors come out as the seasons are changing. I already see yellows and reds of the changing leaves!

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