From the Perspective of Chicago Semester Student Teachers

Monday, February 13, 2012

Welcome - Spring 2012

by Rachel Miller - Bridge Elementary
Ginnie and I


Welcome to my blog about my life as a student teacher in Chicago, IL. I am currently completing my last semester of college at the University of Mount Union in Alliance, Ohio. However, I came to Chicago in search of a student teaching experience that was different from my previous field placements. I am teaching art at a school in the Dunning neighborhood called Bridge Elementary.

Bridge Elementary
So far I absolutely love the school and my cooperating teacher. The students are wonderful, all 1000 that I get the pleasure of teaching each week. That number is not an exaggeration. There is only one art teacher at Bridge and we are responsible for teaching every single kindergarten through 8th grade class. It is a ton of kids, but it is fun getting to know every student! The school is continuing to grow too. Right now the 5th-8th grades are in a completely different building a few blocks away so I have to split my time between both schools everyday. It is a lot of work, but I feel so lucky to have such a great placement and an extremely young, supportive and fun cooperating teacher. The only downside is the commute (1hour and 15 minutes each way), but at least I am getting a lot of reading done!


Lakefront Trail
 When I am not at my student teaching placement or commuting to and from my school, you will most likely find me taking in what this exciting city has to offer. I am living in a little studio apartment in the Gold Coast/Old Town neighborhood with another student teacher in the Chicago Semester program. The area where we live has a lot going on, but it is pretty noisy and expensive.  So on the weekends we have been enjoying exploring other neighborhoods in the city. Right now we have a ritual on Sundays where we’ll go to a yoga class in the morning, check out an ethnic restaurant for lunch, and then settle in at a new café to work on teacher stuff.  I also do a lot of running in my free time. I have been very lucky that it has been a mild winter. It has allowed me to take full advantage of the Lakefront Trail that is only a few blocks away from my apartment. Living and working in the city takes some getting used to, but I am figuring it out so far.
I hope you check out my blog each week as I fill you in on the joys and challenges of working in an urban school district and as I explore the interests and oddities that the third largest U.S. city has to offer. It is going to be a good time.

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