Jacob Ward – Franklin Fine Arts
Greetings and
salutations again, dear reader! Here’s
the skinny on what’s been happening this week in the life of Jacob Ward!
At Franklin Fine Arts:
My first
session of edTPA filming has gone off without a hitch! The students really delved into a crazy good
discussion about how we view each other based on our clothing and have really
embraced the project of painting on jeans.
Today I
chaperoned a field trip of Drama students to the Chicago History Museum, which
is conveniently within walking distance of the school. Why would drama students be going to the
Chicago History Museum? Good question! Franklin has a system called “The Big Show”
where one of the arts has the main focus of that year and pretty much calls the
shots. It’s on a yearly rotation and
this year is the Drama big show. The
Drama teacher has commissioned a Franklin parent/playwright to write a play
about The Great Chicago Fire, Streeterville, & The World’s Fair. So what better place to learn the history of
Chicago and get time period appropriate design ideas than the History Museum?
In Chicago:

Luckily for
everyone, this weekend was also Open House Chicago. This is an event where certain venues open up
to the public, some of which are hardly ever open to outsiders on any other
day. Some things we saw:

· Zap
Props: Located in an unmarked building
in literally the middle of nowhere is the largest supplier of props for film,
television, theatre, and restaurants in the Midwest. Never open to the general public, this space
has been featured on American Pickers several times and is one of the coolest
buildings ever to exist. It has
Headquarters: Unless invited, the doors
into the workspace of the people behind one of America’s most popular card
games stay shut. But they graciously
opened up for the open house and I couldn’t be any more excited. Also got some free brand-spanking new card
games out of it, which is nice.
· Lincoln
Square: We explored and ate our way
around this area stopping at Gene’s Sausage Shop & Luella’s Southern Home
Cooking (They have the best fried chicken in Chicago!)
· Sedgewick
Studios: Home to several artists who have sculptures around the city, this
private workshop has all kinds of cool doodads, metal working gear, and
sculptures in progress within its blast-proof walls.

Until next
time, peace out!