From the Perspective of Chicago Semester Student Teachers

Monday, February 4, 2013

Student Teaching - Introduction

by Victoria Johnston - Mitchell Elementary

The city at night
Three weeks. That is how long I have lived in Chicago. In some ways it feels as though I have been here for months and in others my studio apartment seems like a hotel room. Adjusting to life in the city has been much different than I expected. I would consider myself a city girl by definition because I enjoy populated areas to rural areas, but Chicago is a whole new world to me. At home, in Tucson, AZ, I am within miles of almost anywhere I could ever want to go, but here I am within blocks.

Ghiradelli ice cream
The number of people in this city somehow still astounds me. I knew Chicago was large and visited prior, but residing in such a populated area is still a shock some days. I will say I enjoy having Ghirardelli Ice Cream about half a mile away and will proudly admit I have been there twice in three weeks. Part of my excitement for this semester is also the arts events I can attend this semester. This week there was some confusion with the meeting time, but next week I believe is a ballet. Beyond the weekly events I already paid for are opportunities to see almost every band I enjoy, the Blue Man Group, and go ice skating in Millennium Park. Ice skating was one of the first things to make the “Chicago Bucket List” but I have yet to go because of, what feels like, Arctic temperatures. Two weeks ago we had MLK Jr. day off and the Shedd Aquarium was free for residents. I was able to experience summer temperatures and visit sea/lake/river creatures of all kinds. It is amazing the variety of attractions a large city offers from paintings to dolphins.

Beluga whales at the Shedd Aquarium
 My main reason for choosing Chicago Semester is student teaching. I have completed the traditional classroom portion of my degree and now I have the opportunity to learn the art of teaching under another teacher. For this experience I have been placed in Ellen Mitchell Elementary on Chicago’s west side. This school is a writing and literature magnet school and is part of the Chicago Public School district, one of the largest in the nation. Despite its public school status, Mitchell is rather small. There is one classroom per grade level and ages range from Pre-K to 8th grade. My fifth grade class has thirty-six students and they are now squirrelly because recess has been indoors for about two weeks. Despite their rambunctious attitudes recently, I am enjoying each student for their unique gifts and quirks. My favorite moment yet was earlier this week. One of the girls called a boy fickle and a third student shockingly asked, “Isn’t that a bad word?!”
Mitchell Elementary School
In the past three weeks my time in the classroom has been slightly limited because today was a professional development day, we had MLK Jr. Day off and my first Friday was spent at another PD seminar, but I already feel at home in Mitchell. My first math lesson has come and gone and I am learning just how many things I must consider before standing in front of my fifth graders to teach. I am excited to see what surprises come next in the classroom and on the streets. For now, though, I will sit contentedly knowing it is Friday night and my wake-up call tomorrow extends past 5:45 am.

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